Little signs have appeared beside the Presteigne by-pass, painted with the names of many wild flowers. The verges below the Warden, a well known local natural area of trees, grass & flowers, are particularly rich in many species of wild flowers and grasses.

All over the country there is a growing awareness of the importance of verges. Many have a range of flowers, which if left to grow, provide a valuable source of nectar and pollen. These supply food for the bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects which are vital to pollinate the food that we ourselves eat. A reduction in mowing has shown an increase in these pollinators.

Discussions about mowing regimes are ongoing with Powys County Council, Presteigne and Norton Town Council and the local community. Initially a map has identified some areas designated to be cut less often and later than usual, to allow the flowers to bloom as long as possible, so that they can set seed and multiply.

A free flier with the pictures and names of 20 species is available to help identify the different flowers, to raise awareness of the importance of such places. People may be reminded of names learnt when wild flowers were much more abundant. Its a chance for children to engage with the richness of nature and learn the names for themselves. Links have been made with the Primary School to inform families of an activity that is fun, educational and local, especially at this time of home-learning.

You can find Information about the project, the flier and map via Presteigne Life on Facebook and in the Presteigne PACDG Community News, or contact .... Jenny Jenny Ogden [email protected]