The Three Cocks Matters Summer Show was recently held at Gwernyfed High School.

The event, held on Saturday, July 13, was a resounding success due to strong support from the community.

The event, blessed with pleasant weather, attracted a large crowd who came for an afternoon of fun and community spirit. The afternoon was organised by Three Cocks Matters Community Group.

The large crowd took part in multiple activities throughout the course of the afternoon, including archery set up by Black Mountain Adventure, rugby drills, plastic axe throwing, and inflatables.

A wide variety of stalls, car booters, and food vendors brought fantastic products and delicious food, contributing to the vibrant atmosphere of the entire show.

Highlights of the day included engaging activities, and the launch of the new logo by Gwernyfed Community Council, who also managed the teas and coffees.

The entries into the show competition were very well received by all, from vegetables to woodwork, photography to metal work. The judges on the day even commented on how wonderful the entries were.


The afternoon was enjoyed by adults, children and even dogs. 

“We are overwhelmed by the support and participation from everyone involved,” said Nick Pritchard, Chair of Three Cocks Matters.

“From the dedicated vendors and volunteers to the enthusiastic attendees, the community spirit was amazing. 

“The funds raised will go a long way in regenerating Three Cocks play areas and green spaces, and we are deeply grateful to all who contributed.

“A special thank you goes to Gwernyfed High School for providing the venue and being actively involved throughout the day, and to the Three Cocks Matters committee for their tireless efforts in planning and delivering the event.”

The result of a community lottery was drawn, and a raffle took place with some top prizes on offer, including a £200 heating oil voucher from Oil4Wales.

After expenses are paid, all the money raised will be used to improve local play areas and green spaces, ensuring that the community continues to benefit from the funds raised.

The Three Cocks Matters Summer Show
The Three Cocks Matters Summer Show

The Three Cocks Matters Summer Show

Competition results:

Section A - Children’s category:

Class 1: Vegetable superhero competition for five-year-olds and under:

 1st place: Bonnie Doell

2nd place: Wyn Pritchard

Class 2: Dinosaur made from recycled materials for six to 11-year-olds:

1st place: Beth Pritchard

Section B - Gardening:

Class 5: Flower and foliage exhibit from their own garden:

1st place: Mike Bugler

Class 6: One vase of five stems cut of any flowers from the person’s garden:

1st place: Hilda Richards

2nd place: Mike Bugler

3rd place: Olwen Abberley


Class 7: One specimen Rose Bloom competition:

 1st place: Olwen Abberley

2nd place: Mike Bugler

3rd place: Olwen Abberley

Class 8: A basket of their own home-grown vegetables:

1st place: Eric Hoole

2nd place: Mike Bugler

Class 9: A vase of mixed herbs contest:

1st place: Lyn Bugler

Section C - Baking:

Class 10: A chocolate chip cookie making contest with a recipe provided:

1st place: Lyn Bugler

2nd place: Olwen Abberley


Class 11: 6 decorated cupcakes:

1st place: Olwen Abberley

2nd place: Olwen Abberley

3rd place: Olwen Abberley


Class 12: Jar of any chutney or pickle:

1st place: Lyn Bugler


Class 13: Jar of any fruit jam:

1st place: Lyn Bugler



Class 14: Landscape of any medium:

1st place: Joe Lee



Class 15: Wildlife:

1st place: Zena Jones

2nd place: Olwen Abberley

3rd place: Zena Jones



1st place: Madge Reynolds

2nd place: Hilda Richards

3rd place: Lyn Bugler



1st place: Parry Richards

2nd place: Luke Doell

3rd place: Parry Richards