There was a wide and varied display of tractors in the vintage and classic tractor classes at Nantmel Show last Saturday.

Taking top honours and the Owain Meredith Micah Shield for the best restored was the Massey Ferguson 35 of Ben Hardwick.

Nantmel Show
Best restored vintage tractor - Ben Hardwick’s Massey Ferguson 35 (Nantmel Show)

The tractor had an interesting family connection as it came from the farm of his partner’s grandfather, with Ben carrying out a nut and bolt restoration.

Other places were taken by John Lewis of Builth Wells with his David Brown 770 and Rhayader’s Dave Connelly with his Massey Ferguson 165.

The original vintage tractor class was taken by Robert Pugh with his 1962 Fordson Super Dexta who pipped Paul Morgan’s David Brown 950. Mr Pugh also took first place in the best restored implement with a Ferguson plough.

Best original tractor - 1962 Fordson Super Dexta
Best original tractor - 1962 Fordson Super Dexta (Nantmel Show)

In the Classic tractor category, Gwystre’s Mark Thomas won the restored classic class with his David Brown 995 from the County 1174 of Saint Harmon’s Raymond Rees followed by Eithyl Powell’s Ford 4000/4.

Some of the classic tractors on display
Some of the classic tractors on display at Nantmel Show (Nantmel Show)

New Radnor’s Martyn Nicholls pipped his father, Tom, to take the best original classic tractor with his County from the International 276, with Andrew Thomas taking third with his Massey Ferguson 165 four-wheel drive.