A POEM written almost 90 years ago following the tragic death of a mother-of-six in a Radnorshire blizzard has been rediscovered.

'The Martyr of the Storm' was penned by AL Davies after 39-year-old Rosa Williams died after falling from her horse while returning from Hay Market in December 1925.

Evelyn Morgan, from Brecon, said her late mother Faith Williams, who lived in Boughrood, had occasionally spoken to her about the poem and reading about how Rosa is being remembered locally prompted her to look for it among her mother's belongings.

"It was so strange when I saw the story in The Brecon & Radnor Express. I thought 'oh my goodness, I have a poem about that.' I treasure it because it's a very sad and true story," said Evelyn.

Rosa is being remembered as part of a history project linked to the Hay Cheese Market. She fell from her pony while crossing Llanbedr Hill and broke an ankle. Her body was later found in the snow.

For more on this story see The Brecon & Radnor Express - on sale now