More than 40 guests from Contrexéville, France and Bad Rappenau, Germany - two towns which share twinning agreements with Llandrindod Wells - have recently completed a four-day stay in Mid Wales.

The visitors included a group of 10 young people who were members of La Toupie, a social support centre in Contrexeville.

During their stay some guests were accommodated in the homes of supporters of Llandrindod Twinning while others stayed in hotels and all were able to enjoy a full programme of events which had been organised by the three twinning associations.

A three-way meeting for the Twinning Committees from the three towns was held at the Llandrindod Wells Football Club.

The Mayor of Llandrindod Wells, Cllr Marcia Morgan, welcomed the Mayor of Bad Rappenau, Sebastian Frei and delegates from the Twinning Committees of all three towns.

Each Committee gave a presentation on how they organise and promote twinning activities in their communities and everyone agreed to promote youth exchange visits to enable young people from all three towns to meet and take part in activities together. Plans to further these links were discussed and it was agreed to develop exchanges for small groups - art and drama, bands and choirs, walking, cycling and other activity groups.

Any group in Llandrindod Wells interested to take up this opportunity for a visit to the twin towns is asked to contact the Twinning Secretary via phone on 01597 822111 or email: [email protected]

The visit had been timed so that the visitors could participate in Llandrindod Wells Carnival. The visitors and hosts wore specially designed costumes promoting the three nations and joined the Carnival, accompanied by Llandrindod Twinning Committee members dressed in Welsh costume. The group was rewarded with first place for the best walking float.

In the evening everyone gathered for a meal at the Lake Restaurant where they were impressed with the stunning views over the lake and surrounding woodland.

A number of excursions were organised for the guests on their visit to Wales. The guests enjoyed a day trip to Tenby and stopped for a meal together in Llandeilo on their return journey.

On their last day the visitors enjoyed a trip to Cardiff, visiting the castle and shopping centre.

For many of the guests it was their first visit to Wales and they thoroughly enjoyed their visit.

Llandrindod twinning
Guests enjoyed their trip to Wales - for many it was their first visit to the country (.)

Valarie Rionde, Chairman of Contrexéville and Sibylle Hummel, Chairman of Bad Rappenau, thanked the host families for their generous hospitality during the exchange and both felt the joint visit had been a great success.

The Mayor of Llandrindod Wells, Cllr Marcia Morgan, thanked the visiting groups, and particularly Sebastian Frie, Mayor of Bad Rappenau, for making the long journey to Wales and taking part in the Twinning Exchange. All looked forward to many more years of friendship between the three communities.

Helen Skelton, Chairman of Llandrindod Twinning pointed out that in order to fund these visits the Twinning Association relies on support from Llandrindod Wells Town Council and voluntary contributions and help.

The Association is keen to hear from groups of people in the Llandrindod Wells area who would like to travel to Contrexéville or Bad Rappenau or would like to become involved in twinning activities. Anybody willing to help and find out more information is asked to contact the Twinning Association through links on its website or by phoning the Secretary on 01597 822111.

Llandrindod Wells signed a Twinning Charter with Contrexéville, France in 1992 and with Bad Rappenau, Germany in 2001.