James Evans fears the erection of wind farms and pylons in his constituency would have a “massive effect” on the local countryside.

The Brecon and Radnorshire MS asked at the Senedd yesterday what the Welsh Government is doing to protect the country’s “historic environment”.

He said there are proposals by Bute Energy and Green GEN Cymru to site wind farms and pylons “right the way” through his constituency.

Mr Evans said: “This is going to have a massive effect on the historic environment in my constituency.”

He asked Culture Secretary, Lesley Griffiths, what the Government is planning to ensure that his constituency’s environment is protected from these large-scale developments.

Ms Griffiths said that when the Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2023 comes into force later this year, Wales will have the most progressive legislation for the management and protection of the historic environment in the UK.

She told Mr Evans: “This is supplemented by planning policies that protect the unique characteristics of our historic environment.

“It would be inappropriate for me to comment on specific proposals. Welsh ministers determine whether applications should be approved or not.

“What is important is that we have the most progressive legislation in this area.

“It will come into force in the autumn, and it will provide us with accessible, bilingual law for our unique historic environment, supported by a range of secondary legislation.

“Planning Policy Wales also requires the planning system to take account of our objectives to protect conserve, promote and enhance the historic environment.”