David Chadwick is calling for rural areas of Wales to be provided with better digital coverage.

The Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe MP asked Wales Office Minister, Dame Nia Griffith, in the Commons today what she and her colleagues are doing to improve digital infrastructure in rural parts of the country.

He said: “Many of my constituents living in areas such as Llanwrthwl and Llanafan Fawr have been missed out by previous roll-out schemes.

“Are the Government committed to ensuring that funding is available to ensure that people living in so-called hard-to-reach areas can be connected?”

Dame Nia said the Government are committed to improving digital connectivity - as demonstrated by their commitment to the provision of full gigabit and national 5G coverage by 2030.

She told Mr Chadwick: “I have recently met internet and mobile providers as well as Ofcom.

“The hon. Member will be aware that, thanks to the UK Government’s shared rural network, 4G connectivity has been boosted in his constituency as a result of the activation last month of two additional masts.

“I very much appreciate the concern that the hon. Member has for his constituents, particularly in a rural area that has so many challenges for connectivity.

“I can tell him that over 90 per cent of premises in his constituency can access superfast broadband speeds.”

Dame Nia said that to extend gigabit-capable coverage further, around 3,000 premises in Mr Chadwick’s constituency are expected to receive gigabit-capable connection through the Project Gigabit cross regional procurement framework.

She said: “Alongside this, there are 21 voucher projects across the constituency which will cover approximately 5,000 premises.

“However, if he has any concerns, perhaps he could come and see me on the matter.”