David Chadwick has called for greater fairness for farmers during a House of Commons debate.

Yesterday (Tuesday), the Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe MP said in the Commons that the previous week, he had attended the Royal Welsh Show in his constituency.

He said he had spoken to many farmers, and top of their list of concerns was the power imbalance between producers and retailers.

Mr Chadwick asked Conservative MP, Sir John Hayes, who had introduced a debate on food security, if he agreed with the Liberal Democrat manifesto’s call for a strengthening of the Groceries Code Adjudicator to ensure fairness in the supply chain, thereby protecting producers and guaranteeing food security.

Sir John said he does not make a habit of saying kind things about Liberals of any description.

But he added: “I am going to say something quite kind to the hon. Gentleman because he is right to draw attention to that code.

“When I was a Minister in the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, as it was, I was instrumental in arguing the case for the Groceries Code Adjudicator.

“I met the first adjudicator and brought the second, the current incumbent, to my constituency to meet a group of farmers and growers during the last Parliament.

“The hon. Gentleman is right about the strength of that role, which just proves something that not everyone here will know - even Liberal Democrats sometimes get it right.”