Following their “call for help” last year, the team at Wyeside Arts Centre has been overwhelmed by the wide public response and the support they have received.

Many local organisations such as the YFC, the Ladies Choir, and the Greyhound/Rotary Quiz have raised funds for Wyeside - which has also received some generous personal donations.

Subscriptions to their Friends of Wyeside scheme are also on the rise. The arts centre has held several fundraising events including a Bands Day back in March organised by Black Sheep Productions, ‘The Best of Gilbert & Sullivan’ and ‘Gershwin in Hollywood’ concerts, and an ELO tribute band. 

Back in October, Wyeside had warned they were in “very big trouble” following disappointing funding news and said the closure of the venue was a distinct possibility.

But following a strong public response, the venue’s future is now looking a little brighter.

A spokesperson for Wyeside Arts Centre said: “We can’t stress enough that it is this support that has enabled us to keep the doors open. A huge, huge thank you!”

Wyeside has also been working hard behind the scenes and has secured revenue funds from Garfield Weston Foundation, Aster Foundation, and support from the Arts Council of Wales. They also secured funding from The Postcode Lottery Community Trust to replace their antiquated show lighting control desk and IT equipment.

But Wyeside has warned their future “remains very precarious”.

The spokesperson continued: “We have been awarded UK Levelling Up money allocated by the Powys Arts Service Transition and Resilience Fund which will give us the opportunity to engage specialists both in Arts Business Planning & Development and in Fundraising, helping us work towards a more financially sustainable business model for the future.  

“However, as funding from revenue bodies dries up, keeping affordable access to the arts alive and kicking will become even more challenging.”

If you would like to support Wyeside, you can become a “Friend” or come and support events.

You can also sign up to their weekly ‘What’s On’ newsletters

More information can be found at:

“Thank you once again for your ongoing support, this will be even more crucial as we face the challenges ahead!” added the spokesperson.