In this article, we are looking at enriching your dog’s daily life. For years, the idea that all a dog needed was two walks a day was enough, but, with our modern day living it is not enough, dogs like us, need a bit more in our lives to be healthier and happier.  When we think about enrichment, we may think about kongs filled with food or a lickimat with something tasty spread on it.

These are part of the enrichment package, but there are lots more things to consider too! Its good to have an idea about what your dog finds enriching. More often that not, we choose what we think is enriching for them, so it is good to think about what your individual dog likes.If we think about enrichment in human terms, we all need different things, no two humans are alike.

dogs playing
Kilo, Timmy and mind toys (Tracey Prall)

Some may find it fulfilling and enriching to go on a cycle, some a walk, some a swim or sitting with nature, an afternoon nap, or spending time with a good friend or loved one. We are all different and our dogs are the same.I expect if I asked you what your dog enjoys, most of you would list a whole range of different things. Let’s take a look at what dogs can find enriching and how it can give them a more fulfilled life.

1/Being outdoors in the natural environment- sniffing, searching, foraging, digging, playing, climbing on things, chasing things. Obviously in the environment on a walk, (and where safe to do so) your dog can have access to doing these things, but if you need to recreate certain ideas because you don’t have time or opportunity for a long walk, or you are ill, or the weather is horrible, there are plenty of options to set these activities up in your garden or even house: you can do treat searches in long grass; hide toys for them to find, inside or out; create a mini playground for them to explore or provide a digging pit with soft sand. If there is a particular game of chase they like to play, choose a toy they can proudly parade with once caught or if they enjoy a game of chase with you, then go with that.

2/Filled kongs, lickimats with tasty spreads (can be frozen) or boxes filled with rolled up paper and treats to explore and find. Mind toys are great too for those dogs that like to problem solve. Some dogs like to lick, some like to chew, so have you got a licker or a chewer? Bear in mind that both licking and chewing are a great way for dogs to release those good endorphins.

3/ Sniffing! Walks are about exercise BUT they are also about sniffing too. Considering our dogs sense of smell is WAY better than ours and its their way of interpreting the world, sniffing is a very important enrichment process. You can teach your dog a cue, for ‘go sniff!’ so they know they can explore and sniff out all the news to their hearts content. Sniffing gives them a clear picture of their world. Remember that older dogs need more time to sniff and process things, my older dog Kilo has a sniffy mooch every day which enriches her quality of life. Giving your dog choice to explore new environments is also enriching, woods, beaches, new bits of countryside, so lots of new experiences and smells. Some days it is really fun for a dog to go on a very short walk but have the opportunity to take as long as they wish to sniff along the way-100 yards can take some dogs half an hour to explore! They really enjoy that opportunity – too often we move them on because WE want to or think they need to walk a distance.

4/ Human or other dog contact. For some dogs, being with their human and contact with them is enriching and very soothing (not to mention for the human!). Being part of the family unit is vital. If your dog enjoys social contact, factor this in every day but make sure you offer, not demand. Some dogs enjoy other doggie contact and enjoy play dates.

5/ Beds- does your dog like to curl up or lay flat out? Choose beds that match their style of lying. And offer them choices of beds – higher beds, lower beds, flat, round, fluffy, firm. I suggest a minimum of 2-3 beds per dog in each room.

6/Positive training and tricks. Some dogs really enjoy training and learning how to do new things. You could teach a new trick a week to your dog, fun recall games and teaching them about body awareness by putting paws onto something.My two enjoy the following.Kilo, mooching and sniffing, sitting in the warm sun in the garden with me, searching for treats, going to new places for new smells!Tiny Timmy, finding and eating treats in the grass, cuddles and contact with me, playing with a rabbit skin tug toy.In a nutshell, enrichment is making sure that we fulfil our dog’s needs, emotionally, and physically in a wide variety of ways.Enjoy your dogs