KATE EVANS of Brecon is taking part in a 600km West Coast cycle ride in September and will be cycling between 60-127 miles per day over six days.

She will cycle from San Francisco to Los Angeles with former Olympic cyclist Becky James and ex-Wales rugby player Shane Williams for Velindre cancer centres. Kate was inspired by Emmy Coates, a friend since school days who cycled from London to Copenhagen with stage 4 cancer, and would like to keep her legacy going.

Kate has organised a sports fundraising dinner to be held at The Castle Hotel in Brecon on June 29. It will include a Q&A session with three-times Olympian and gold medalist Crista Cullen, former Wales rugby player Jennifer Davies with 74 caps and Maddie Davies ex GB and current Wales taewondu player.

Kate has played hockey for 27 years and played for local team Gwernyfed hockey club, which she says was the making of her. She says it is the most fun club to play for and they are all friends as well. She said: "They put me forward for Wales trials and that was the turning point for me." She has gone on to play for a number of other clubs, including Wimbledon who field Ed Sheeran's fiancee in their team, and Reading. "Reading hockey club was the most sucessful team in the UK and Europe when I joined, winning all four titles.

"I joined immediately after the London Olympics and the timing couldn’t have been better as it including eight Olympians.

"I’ve noticed that often Welsh events often include men, as the big sports such as rugby and football are well funded. I want to change this by providing an all-women sporting panel!"

"Presently, whilst there’s been notable improvement Wales hockey gets the lowest funding out of all the nations and there is still a long way to go. In addition, as the Wales hockey athletes don’t get funded and work full time they don’t ordinarily visit schools or very few. Therefore Wales pupils, parents and teachers in my view and in particularly girls are really missing out and it will effect future generations.

"I want to change this by holding this event and passing on the knowledge that I now have and inspire future generations. In addition, there are more initiatives in areas such as Cardiff and Swansea which make it harder for people from rural areas to make it, although they still can. I contacted Wales Hockey about this and got in touch with a friend behind the scenes to set up a 360 hockey centre at Christ College, Brecon so it is vital that this is well used so that this facility is retained for future generations.

"As I am fortunate to have played at an elite level and with national and international athletes, I know wish to pass the knowledge that I have onto pupils, parents, teachers and players alike. I have gained so much from the sport and I want others to as well, whether it be for fun, social reasons or to reach the top.

"For example, I know about events which are held in London which screen children from the ages of 14-18 years, which a lot don’t know about. They take measurements and assess them and then advise which sports they are most suited to and then provide them with the best contacts. These are open to anyone but a lot outside London don’t know about them.

"A lot of these athletes develop into future Olympians. I want to pass this vital information onto people locally."

Tickets are on sale for £35 each and include two courses; BBQ-themed food and dessert. In addition there will be a raffle, auction and a disco. There are lots of exciting auction prizes on offer already, including an Ospreys rugby top signed by a number of Wales rugby players, one-to-one coaching with a London Olympian and current Belgium hockey player, signed GB basketball Olympian kit, signed Wales rugby kit, signed Maddie Davies kit, a Ridiculously Rich by Alana cake (Apprentice Winner), Afternoon tea, Well Being Centre facial, Velvet Image photography session and many more. More information can be found at the facebook group ‘Velindre Cancer Fundraising Dinner - Castle Hotel’. To support Kate's fundraising effort, visit her justgiving page https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/kate-evans36