Brecon’s Jaya Sebburn, 21, has won the Female Development Squad A British Army Boxing finals 2023.

Despite only having one previous bout prior to the competition, which she narrowly lost, Jaya came out on top in the Female Development A, 60 to 63kg weight class.

(British Army Boxing)

The ex-Brecon High School student has been a member of Brecon Phoenix Boxing Club since 2016 and developed well under coach, Dave Gilbert.

(British Army Boxing )

 Jaya joined the Army Air Corps in Wattisham in February 2021, and for the last eight weeks has trained there with Dave Brewer. 

Jaya’s mother, Claire Sebburn, who is also a boxing coach at Brecon Phoenix Boxing Club said: “The change in her from the past eight weeks, when she’s been training with her army trainer has been phenomenal. 

 “I went to watch her the other week and it was the one she lost unfortunately but she was phenomenal.”

(British Army Boxing)

 In the semi-final, Jaya beat an opponent with far more experience than her before going on to win the final on Thursday, 8 June. 

 Despite Jaya being a member of the Female Development Squad A, the competition included participants from Development Squad B and the Elites. 

(British Army Boxing)

 Jaya has made history in becoming the first boxer to represent the Army Air Corps since 1984, and is believed to be the first female boxer to represent the Air Corps.

 She has now been invited down to the Army Development Squad which leads onto the formal Army Boxing team, the place where Olympic gold medallist Nicola Adams made a name for herself.

(British Army Boxing)

 Jaya’s mother, Claire, told The Brecon & Radnor Express: “I couldn’t be prouder of her. It takes a lot of guts for anyone to get in the ring. I’m a boxing coach myself with Dave Gilbert, so I understand how brave you must be to put yourself in the ring to literally get beaten up.

 “I think she’s incredibly brave. I couldn’t be prouder of her as a mother, and we all are as a family, and I know for a fact that every single person that knows her has come up and asked me about it and said congratulations.

 “Her brother who is also a boxer, said to her ‘You’re like a little celebrity, Jaya, everyone is asking me about you.’ She used to work with me in Morrisons a while back, so every time I go in there someone is asking me about her.

(British Army Boxing)

 “Every time I look at the pictures, I get this overwhelming feeling and my heart skips.

"I’m just so proud of her and I just hope she continues and takes this further because I honestly believe with her determination, she could go a long way.”