A Brecon powerlifter will represent Team GB at the World Classic Powerlifting Championships in September.

The championship, held in Malta, runs from the 28th of August to the 8th of September.

23-year-old Caitlin Davies has been powerlifting for two and a half years. Speaking to The Brecon and Radnor Express, Caitlin said: “I recently competed at the British junior nationals and placed second on bodyweight. I had the chance to attempt a British record squat on the day. I completed the lift but unfortunately, it wasn’t successful due to a technical rule. However, I’m hoping to re-attempt the record and push it even further. Since then I’ve received the news that I’ll get to represent Great Britain in the World Championships in Malta and the European Championships in the Czech Republic.”

Success has followed Caitlin. She has competed in New Zealand in the Commonwealth Powerlifting Championships and won the British Universities Championships in April last year. She has also competed in Slovenia for the University World Championships. Now, she’s looking forward to the next step in her career. “This is by far the highest level I will be competing at though which is a big achievement for any lifter. I’m super excited to compete at Worlds, I’m in the best mental state probably out of all the preps I’ve done, and training is going so well at the moment, so it’ll be interesting to see how much weight I can add on to my total!”

16 juniors will fly out to represent Great Britain, with 11 of them being in Caitlin’s weight class.

“I don’t think I’ve ever put this much dedication into anything before and it’s paid off,” Caitlin said. “I can see powerlifting forever being in my life, and the community and people I’ve met along the way has been something of a dream.”

She hopes to inspire others to take up the sport, sharing her journey on Instagram.

Caitlin will compete on the 7th of September, with the event being live streamed.