Residents from a supported living service near Brecon are celebrating success in a local gardening competition.

Staff from Ashburnham House in Talgarth, which is run by Shaw healthcare, entered the wheelbarrow category as part of “Big Garden Weekend”. They achieved an impressive third place.

The home also opened up its own garden area for the weekend, showcasing a variety of vegetables, flowers, raised flower beds and water features. These have all been created by staff at the home, with the help of local residents. Residents had also been working hard recycling old pallets to make a range of garden features, including planters and wheelbarrows.

The two-day celebration of all things green and gardening was organised by Grow for Talgarth, in partnership with Talgarth Walking Festival, the Tuesday Lunch Club and the Talgarth Visitor Centre.

Service manager of Ashburnham House, Patrick Sharman, said: “Our residents have really enjoyed creating a special outdoor space at Ashburnham House, which has not only enhanced the environment but left everyone involved with a sense of pride. 

“We had many members of the public visit over the two days and they were very impressed with the garden and its features.”

“The residents have worked so hard so it was wonderful to see that being recognised,” he added.

Throughout the year, those living at Ashburnham House harvest the vegetables and herbs from the garden for their meals and the onions and beetroot are pickled and kept for Christmas.

Mr Sharman added: “It is really important to us that we get our residents involved with activities like this as they are vital to keeping their minds and bodies healthy.

“Our staff do an excellent job at designing activity programmes that promote creativity and enjoyment and are tailored to the individual.”

Ashburnham House is operated by Shaw healthcare, the largest employee-owned care provider in the UK.

Talgarth’s “Big Garden Weekend” kicked off with a wheelbarrow rally, which was followed by a variety of activities including a children’s craft and art competition and open gardens.