Felindre WI’s September event was a talk and illustrated slide show given by Ray Rand of Blood Bikes Wales, writes Maggie Flanders.

Ray explained to the group that the first documented Blood Bikes group was formed in 1962. The National Association of Blood Bikes was then set up in 2008. Following this, in 2011, Blood Bikes Wales began, with the Powys group consequently being formed in 2019.

With no A&E hospital departments in Powys, the local group rarely have to transport actual blood, instead mainly providing a courier service for medicines, foetal transplant material frozen milk supplies for premature babies, medicines and some blood samples. Riders often have to meet up with other riders from other parts of Wales or England, in order to pass on the supplies from rider to rider. 

All the bikes and uniforms are owned, insured, stored and maintained by the organisation, and riders undergo regular training. All riders, controllers and support staff are volunteers, funded by public donations and some business sponsorship, with their courier services being provided completely free to the NHS.

Although the bikes in Wales are not fitted with blue lights like ambulance and police vehicles, their conspicuous yellow and red livery makes blood bikes easily identified in daylight hours by other road users.

In 2021, Blood Bikes Wales was delighted to receive The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Services.

WI President Jayne Harris thanked Ray for his very interesting talk, presented him with a cash donation from Felindre, then thanked member Rebe Brick for hosting the meeting and providing the refreshments.

Blood Bikes Wales has plenty of opportunities for you to get involved with. There are three main roles within the charity - fundraisers, controllers and riders.

Further information about Blood Bikes Wales and the vital work they do can be found on their website at: www.bloodbikes.wales or via telephone on 0845 646 0800.

Felindre WI’s next event is a miniature landscape painting workshop on Wednesday, October 2.

For more information about this and membership of Felindre WI, please contact Jayne on 01547 510644.