Conservative candidate for Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe and former MP Fay Jones this week hosted a large-scale public meeting to voice objections to a wind farm planned in Radnor Forest. 

With a statutory consultation into the proposals now underway into Bute Energy’s Nant Mithil Energy Park, Ms Jones organised the meeting in order to generate responses.  

The meeting was organised before the General Election was called, but Ms Jones chose to cover the costs of the meeting so that the public would be able to have their say.  

She was joined at the meeting by the Campaign to Protect Rural Wales, RE-Think, the local campaign group and the Cambrian Mountains Society. 225 people attended the event in the Metropole Hotel, Llandrindod Wells. 

Nant Mithil is a wind farm comprising of 31 turbines in Radnor Forest. If given the go-ahead, the turbines would be up to 220m tall. To transmit the power generated by the wind farm, Bute also plans to build a network of pylons running for 60 miles from Radnorshire to Carmarthenshire.

There are widespread concerns that the turbines and associated pylons would dominate the skyline and blight the natural beauty across much of rural Wales.

Speaking after the meeting, Ms Jones said: “I am so pleased that so many people came to gather more information about Bute Energy’s plans. Nant Mithil simply does not work; the turbines will decimate the precious landscape and ecology of the Radnor Forest. As we heard during the meeting, Wales already produces enough of its own energy for these proposals to be redundant. 

“It is critical that people know how to make their objections heard.  I have campaigned on these proposals since their inception.  I will continue to stand with the community who are vehemently opposed to these plans.  

“With the General Election just weeks away, people need to know where the candidates stand on this issue.  I am the only candidate who can win this seat who will stand up to Bute Energy.”