The Labour candidate for Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe has praised the Labour manifesto, revealed by Labour leader Keir Starmer in Manchester on the 13th of June.

Matthew Dorrance has called the manifesto and call for change a ‘bold offer for Wales’.

The manifesto includes the restoration of decision-making over structural funds to the representatives of Wales and major rail reform, giving Wales a greater say.

Matthew Dorrance believes that Keir Starmer and Vaughan Gething, working together in partnership, will be the change Wales needs after ‘14 years of swimming against the tide of a Tory government in Westminster.’

Welsh Labour Leader Vaughan Gething said: "For 14 long years, we've been swimming against the Tory tide, with a government in Westminster that disrespects devolution.

"This election is about the change Wales and Britain needs. And the UK Labour manifesto sets out a bold offer for Wales.

"With Jo Stevens as our Secretary of State for Wales, and Keir Starmer in Number 10, I'm confident of Wales' place in a changed Britain.

"That change can only be secured by voting Labour on 4 July."

Matthew Dorrance, Labour candidate for the new constituency of Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe, said: “This is a positive, deliverable, fully costed and fully funded manifesto which offers a real choice to people here in Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe.

“That choice is between a Labour Party on the side of working people, with ambitious plans to change Britain and get our country’s future back, or a continuation of fourteen years of Tory division and failure.

“To get change, and a government on the side of our communities, I urge people in Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe to come together and lend me their support.

“This is the only way we can guarantee delivery of the Labour Government at Westminster our country needs, and a hardworking local champion on the side of people across Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe.”

Labour's Shadow Secretary of State for Wales Jo Stevens said: "Our manifesto will guarantee a stronger Wales in a changed Britain. We will sweep away the chaos and division, and deliver the ambitious future Wales deserves.

"Two Labour governments, working together, will build a new partnership for Wales, focused on people’s day-to-day priorities.

“The Tories have taught us to expect less from our UK governments, to expect less for ourselves and our families.

“Labour’s manifesto is the antidote. It is a promise to turn the page, rebuild hope and deliver change.”