On Wednesday, March 12, Newbridge-on-Wye Church in Wales School held its “Eco Day” to raise awareness of the environmental benefits of reducing electricity use.

For the entire day, pupils and staff embraced the challenge of not using any electricity as part of the school’s commitment to the Eco-Schools program, which promotes sustainability and environmental education.

All devices were off-limits, and classes used traditional whiteboards, with teachers teaching without laptops.

The school office was exempt to maintain safety and ensure communication. Essential areas, such as fire alarms, remained powered on.

A highlight of the day saw each class using an exercise bike to generate the energy needed to make fruit smoothies. The school thanks The Hive in Llandrindod Wells for lending the bike. In place of their usual Morning Movement, which typically uses technology, children walked laps of the yard.

As part of the initiative, pupils were asked to bring packed lunches, as even the cook had to switch off the ovens.. Pupils who normally receive free school meals were provided with pre-ordered packed lunches from the school kitchen.

Teacher Miss Rebecca Unsworth, Staff Representative for the Eco Committee & Environment Team, said: “As part of our Eco-Schools Platinum Award, the school is always looking for ways to make positive changes that benefit the environment. We are so proud of how our children adapted to the day and embraced all the challenges!”

The Eco-Schools Platinum Award is the highest accolade in the program, recognising schools that demonstrate a sustained commitment to environmental education and action

To conclude the day, each class wrote a pledge outlining collective actions they can take to protect the environment.

The school governors thank pupils Amelia, Cerys, Freya, Ralph, Sophie, Suallah, and the rest of the Eco Committee, as well as Miss Unsworth, for their hard work in making Eco Day a success.