Community groups from across Crickhowell and Llangattock came together on Saturday to open a new accessible path in Llangattock Recreation Ground.
Around 100 people attended the event, which marked the completion of a two-year project to give wheelchair access to the park.

Opening the path, Cllr Tim Jones, vice chair of Llangattock Community Council, praised people with accessibility challenges who had spoken out to demand fair access.
“Thank you to those people; they have been the inspiration for everything we have done here,” said Cllr Jones.
“Thank you for raising your voices and demanding what is rightfully yours.”
Fran Bateman from Accessibility Powys, who had advised the project team, said: “It is so refreshing to see the community coming together this way to ensure that this area is accessible to everyone in this community. I hope to see this repeated in more places around Powys.
“Congratulations to everyone who has worked so far to make it happen.
The path was funded by a £50,000 grant from the Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Grant Scheme administered by the WCVA.
Cllr Jones said that while they were still awaiting the final figures, the Council hoped to complete the project within the available grant, meaning it “would not cost the residents of Llangattock a penny more.”
The gathered supporters, including the Crickhowell running club, then set off round the path for a celebratory lap of honour.
A video of the opening can be seen on Llangattock Community Council’s website