The Rotary Club of Knighton and District have presented £1000 to each of the Midland and Wales Air Ambulances.

The donations came from community-raised funds and was handed over to the two worthy causes on April 22.

Rotary club president Margaret Thorp said: “We have been so pleased with the support our communities have given us during our fundraising efforts for these charities over the past twelve months.

“It is thanks to everyone’s generosity that we have been able to donate this much to the Air Ambulances that provide services to our region.”

Wales Air Ambulance representative Andrew Catling said: “Both charities are greatly appreciative of the ongoing support given to us by the Knighton Rotary Club.”

Nicole Beebee of the Midlands Air Ambulance added: “This very generous donation will help both Air Ambulances to continue their essential work in the local communities. As you are aware both charities rely on the support of the communities they serve so this donation is greatly appreciated.”

Both Wales and Midlands Air Ambulance provide free, life-saving helicopter emergency medical service to those in need. Air ambulance critical emergency services are not funded by the NHS. Although they receive some support from NHS ambulance services which provide them with clinical staff and equipment, vital charitable donations from the public cover the costs of keeping services running.

Helicopters can carry more equipment than a standard ambulance, meaning expert paramedics can deliver lifesaving treatment at the scene of an incident that would typically be provided in a hospital setting, such as open chest surgery or a blood transfusion.