St Mary’s Church in Brecon has updated the public on their Beacon Project: a ‘major redevelopment’ plan of the site that includes the removal of the wall leading to the church doors, as well as lower Steeple Lane to the level of the new church floor, creating a wide plaza area centred on the Cenotaph.

Last June, the church held a public consultation, where they heard concerns from those in the area that there would be an impact on the current war memorial. Original plans were hopeful that the church would be able to remove the walls and railing entirely to open up the garden and Cenotaph for wider use and allow us to regrade the land to permit equal access through the north entrance. However, the church admits that they ‘failed to take account’ that the garden itself is a World War II memorial.

The Beacon Project listened to the concerns, working closely with members of the public as well as the military chaplain and British Legion to ensure that these concerns could be addressed constructively. It prompted them to research the facts and history of the garden area and to work out how to accomplish their four goals, which would create equal access through the north entrance, open up the church building to the high street, preserve vehicle access to Church Lane, and draw attention to the World War II memorial.

Now, The Beacon Project has revealed a 3D model of the proposed new plans, which can be seen at The hope is the boundary of St Mary’s property will be demarcated by a different paving tile into which will be inscribed the names of all those from Brecon who sacrificed their lives during the Second World War.