Brecon Lions Club recently held its annual ‘Over 70s Lunch’ at Brecon Bowling Club.
The event hosted local residents with a free hot meal, and most attendees had joined in previous years. The lunch was a huge success, with many compliments on the meal and generous donations to the club’s charity account. The three-course meal was enjoyed socially, with guests reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones.
The meal was prepared by Lion member Nicola, with serving assistance from volunteers at Cartrefi Cymru, who gave their time freely and were an asset to the event
Immediate past President, Lion Robert Quarrell, thanked all the helpers, especially the ‘customers’ - the over 70s attendees. He gave special thanks to Lion Nicola and her sister Menna, along with Ann and Heulwen, who worked tirelessly in the kitchen preparing the dishes and washing up. Robert also extended his gratitude to the Cartrefi Cymru volunteers and the over 70s guests, whose participation made the event such a success. Mr Quarrell then conducted the raffle prize draw, which featured many prizes.
The overwhelming support from the over 70s was heartwarming, and Lion members were particularly surprised by the generous donations given by attendees. The money raised will support deserving charitable causes and other projects the club backs.
The club would like to thank Dial-a-Ride for providing transport to some pensioners. If you’re interested in their work and would like to help, please speak with a Lion member.
Brecon Lions Club was incorporated with Lions Clubs International on May 5, 1972. Lions clubs are located in more than 200 countries, forming a well-connected, supportive network. Most of the money raised by the club supports local charitable needs, with a small portion allocated to international efforts in disaster zones. Lions Clubs focus on major projects such as childhood cancer, diabetes, hunger, disaster relief, and more.
Brecon Lions Club is seeking more members, aged 18 and over, to help meet these needs. Join them at their business meeting on the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm at the Wellington Hotel. You’ll be most welcome. Contact Lion Colin Duncan at 01874 658367.