September is the month when holidays end, schools and colleges return and many 18-year-olds leave home for the first time, excited (and apprehensive) about the next stage of their lives.

Powys has lots of excellent schools and colleges, and many devoted teachers. Teaching any group of students, and doing it well, is both challenging and rewarding. I know that from experience with teachers I meet. And those who work with children who have learning difficulties should have our special admiration.

Education shouldn’t just be about maths, science and literacy, important as they are. Creative subjects are crucial, too. I have seen so many examples of the value music, art and craft add as I have met volunteers throughout the county.

Education is also about learning to be part of society. Here an enormous amount is done by voluntary organisations that can be classed broadly as educational – YFC, St John Ambulance, Scouts and Guides and so on. These are organisations whom I have also been privileged to meet this year.

One of our principal obligations as members of society is to keep the law – and encouraging a law-abiding society is, I suppose you could say, a High Sheriff’s fundamental job.

One area of law-breaking that really troubles me is the growth in domestic abuse. That is why this year I am supporting two charities that fight domestic abuse in Powys – Montgomeryshire Family Crisis Centre in the north, and Calan DVS in the south.

Another wonderful charity is White Ribbon UK – a charity that encourages people, especially men and boys, to change the behaviour that leads to abuse and violence individually and collectively. To wear a white ribbon is a promise never to commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women and girls.

If any teacher would like the local representative of White Ribbon, or me, or both of us, to come to their school, please be in touch. Email me [email protected] or message me on my Facebook page High Sheriff of Powys, or on X (formerly Twitter) @USPowysHS. 

And, of course, I’d be delighted to hear from anyone else who thinks I can help their organisation.