An artist and writer from Brecon who died this year will be the focus of the Brecon Political and Theological Discussion Group next week.

Dr Peter Brooke had lived in Brecon for more two decades and was well-known as an artist, writer and contributor to the public debate.

His major study on Albert Gleizes – For and Against the Twentieth Century was published in 2001.

In 2004 he set up the Brecon Political and Theological Discussion Group to which he delivered many well-researched papers over the years, covering such topics as Pope Francis in the context of Papal History; The Christian Faith and the Financial Crisis; The art of Eric Gill; The illustrations to the Spanish 'Beatus' commentary on the Apocalypse; Islam and the Algerian revolution; Martin Heidegger and the New World Order and Israel and Palestine – One State or Two.

On Tuesday, September 24 the Group is looking at his life and work covering politics, painting, pottery, philosophy and poetry.

The discussion will be led by Mike Douse and begins at 7:30 pm at St David’s Church Hall, Llanfaes, Brecon, LD3 8DP.

All are warmly invited and entrance is free.