One of the highlights in the golf calendar is Lady Captain’s Day - and this year was no exception at Cradoc Golf Club.

Although there were a number of ladies missing due to personal reasons, those who were present were not disappointed.

The day began with a parade of hats - which included funny as well as glamorous examples!

The event saw the return of two members who have been unable to play for a while due to illness so it was great to welcome them back.

A draw then took place for a round of golf. In teams of three the ladies went out to play in reasonable conditions. However, as time went on the rain came down heavier and heavier and by the end everyone was wet through to the skin! But even this did not dampen the spirits of the ladies.

There were challenges and prizes for nearest the pin, longest drives and longest putts - as well as the overall winners.

After taking time to dry out and change, the ladies sat down to a very tasty buffet with lots of chat, banter, eating and drinking - a great social occasion. It was particularly special as the ladies welcomed back old members and Lady Captain’s guests.

A huge thank you must go to this year’s captain Mrs Andy Black for all the time and energy she puts into organising events, as well as her generosity. The whole event reflected her personality of a caring, considerate and popular fun-loving individual.

Presentation of prizes took place with the winners of the stableford competition: Fiona Jones, Denise Williams and Susie Little.

On this occasion Cradoc Ladies also donated to their ‘Charities of the Year; which is always chosen by The Lady Captain. This year their charities are very special as they are charities which help local children, young people and their families. As someone who has taught all her adult life and visited many local schools, Lady Captain Mrs Andy Black is aware of the need locally.

This year so far Cradoc Ladies have raised £1500.

This is not the end of their fundraising as there are more events planned before the end of the year.

Hats off to Cradoc Ladies for this fundraising effort for such worthy causes!