Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service (MAWWFRS) introduced a new campaign, called #IKnowSomeone at the Royal Welsh Show last week.

The campaign urges family and friends to check in on their neighbours and relatives, especially those that may be vulnerable, elderly or live alone.

The campaign will focus on reaching out to rural communities and highlight the importance of having a Home Safety visit. These visits allow Community Safety staff to check important factors within the home, such as having working smoke alarms, electrical safety, clear escape routes and more.

MAWWFRS Home Safety visits are carried out by trained officers, the visits are completely free and could potentially save lives.

Statistics show that over the last two years 58 per cent of people living in Mid and West Wales who tragically lost their lives in house fires lived alone.

Station Manager Rob Tovey said: “Unfortunately, we regularly attend property fires that could have been avoided or the impact reduced by having basic knowledge and equipment such as working smoke alarms, we can offer a home safety check providing this safety advice and equipment totally free of charge. 

“So, if you think you know someone, please have a chat with them and get in touch with us.”

The easiest way to book a Home Safety visit for you or someone you know, is to complete the online booking form: Safe and Well Visit (mawwfire.gov.uk) or call on 0800 169 1234.