The Mayor of Brecon, Cllr John Powell, this week joined a Tai Chi class for local people living with arthritis.

The free classes are run by the charity Versus Arthritis to help people living with arthritis manage their condition, strengthen muscles and improve balance and flexibility. It is a low impact exercise which doesn’t put pressure or strain on the joints. 

The charity says no prior experience is necessary for the class and as well as providing supporting physically, Tai Chi also helps with the anxiety and stress that living with arthritis and pain everyday can cause.   

There are currently as many as 974,000 people living with arthritis or musculoskeletal conditions in Wales today. This accounts for a third (32 per cent) of adults in Wales.

Ruth Cook, a volunteer for Versus Arthritis who runs the classes said the low impact exercise has many benefits both physically and mentally. She said there is no pressure on anyone to keep up and the exercises can be done sitting or standing and are a great way to get back into exercise.  

Ruth said: “If you have been diagnosed with arthritis or an associated condition Tai Chi is a brilliant exercise to keep your joints mobile, support your wellbeing and release those feelgood hormones.  

“It’s so important for people with arthritis to keep moving. Living with the pain and fatigue of arthritis can take its toll. Tai Chi is a moving meditation which helps mentally and physically. You don’t need any experience to join in. It really does make a difference.”  

Glynis, 70 from Brecon, who is a regular from the class, said: “I have arthritis in my back and knees. I have found the chair yoga and Tai Chi classes have helped me with strength, coordination, concentration and mobility. I also find it really beneficial when people share their experiences and advice. The group is wonderful.”

Another regular class attendee Sue, 63 from Brecon, who has osteoarthritis in both knees, said: “My arthritis left me in constant pain and with very poor mobility. I lost fitness and confidence particularly as we had recently moved areas and finishing work. It always gives me a feeling of calm and well-being; I sleep better that night and pain feels reduced. The whole experience has enhanced my life despite the arthritis.”

Brecon Mayor Cllr John Powell said We have a wonderful diverse community in Brecon, and I am keen to meet as many people and groups as possible during my time as mayor. Classes like this by Versus Arthritis are an excellent way to support people living with arthritis. They’re a great way to make new friends and build connections to support each other.”  

Versus Arthritis runs free Tai Chi sessions at Subud Hall, Canal Road, Brecon every Wednesday at 2pm.