The first Friday of July saw the annual Rotary charity golf day take place at Builth Wells Golf Club - and it was nothing short of a complete success.
This was the 10th incarnation of the competition, hosted by Builth Wells Rotary. The event was held with the kind cooperation of Simon Edwards, PGA Professional and manager.
The day attracted 29 teams, the majority were from Builth Wells, whilst the others were visiting from as far away as Pontypridd and Cardiff.

The aim of the day was to encourage the teams in a friendly competition for the prestige of winning a varying array of quality prizes and awards - all while raising money for the nominated charities.
Some of the awards were quite diverse, i.e. ‘nearest the pin’, longest drive, and not forgetting ‘best dressed golfer’.

The charities supported are Shelter Box, which provides a survival box able to sustain a family of 10 in disaster torn areas, and Polio Plus, which is helping to eradicate polio throughout the world. A host of local charities were also supported on the day.
The success of the day relies on sponsorship from local businesses. The main sponsors were The Burger Manufacturing Co. Ltd., and Coyle Surfacing. A major contributor was Builth Wells Garages, along with other local sponsors, who have all been very generous again this year.
Prize giving at the Clubhouse followed a hot and tiring but immensely enjoyable day.
Thanks also to the President, Ciaran O’Connell and all of the Rotarians who helped to support the day.
The Club is looking forward to next year’s event on July 5 2024.
The winners teams in the men’s section were: David Thomas, Steve Greenow, James Allen, Geoff Price (99 points)
The ladies section: Kim Allen, Fran Lewis, Celia Speake, and Kara Parker (94 points).